Saturday, December 9, 2017

"My Cupcakes" coloring book for children and adults

Keep Calm & Eat a Cupcake!  
I want to have my cupcake and eat it too!
I want to eat cupcakes by the ocean with you!
Cupcakes are even sweeter when shared with a good friend!
Live everyday as if it is your Birthday!
Fun cupcake quotes from "My Cupcakes Coloring Book"
Be calm and color on

Friday, December 8, 2017

The Ladybugs are HERE My Ladybug garden coloring book

The Ladybugs are HERE!
Get your copy of all the cute ladybugs in my coloring book called "My Ladybug Garden" It has 24 pages of illustrations and 24 adorable ladybug quotes!
Order from my updated website at this 

Monday, December 4, 2017

Horse coloring book the Horses of Assateague Island

Wild Spirit Horse Coloring Book
The Horses of Assataeague Island
24 horse illustrations to color and 24 horse quotes to inspire you

"Horses are Forever in my Heart"
​"Start collecting memories not things"
"Your best friend doesn't have to be a human"
"Travel off the beaten path looking for adventure"
"You are Smart. You are Important. You are Precious"
-some quotes found in the Wild Spirit Horse coloring book

The National and StateParks in the United States still protect the Wild Spirit Horses of North America. The horses in this coloring book are from photographs of the wild horses at Assateague Island Parks in Maryland, USA. The wild horses roam free on a small island next to the Atlantic Ocean. The horses are often on the beach and wade in the ocean and bay.  
When I designed my illustrations I thought about, what if I was a Native American born in the 1700’s and owned one of these wild spirit horses. How would I paint my horse for a ceremony, put feathers, beads and shells in their mane and care for them. I had fun imagining what if there really are wild spirit horses with a unicorn horn or wings like an eagle.  Perhaps there is a real dream catcher horse that visits humans at night to catch all the bad dreams and deliver sweet dreams to all.

Now you too can imagine to own one of these wild spirit horses that roam the wild lands in America’s National Parks and color your horse any way that you desire.  Please order one of my Wild Spirit Horse coloring books today.

Buy now at this link