Guess What?? We found our 1st Ladybug of Spring today!! My 5 year old was digging in the dirt under the evergreen tree when she found a ladybug. she was a very bright deep red with three small black dots on each wing. She was a friendly little lady and allowed us to hold her in our hand while the ladybug walked up and down our fingers. The ladybug visited with us for about 10 minutes and then took flight and was gone last seen flying east.
When we came inside everyone drew pictures of our ladybug friend. The girls were excited about going outside tomorrow to see if we can find the ladybug in our yard again. It was only about 40 degrees and we had a light snow this morning but it melted by lunchtime. Here is the link to my ladybug page of birthday invitations http://www.myartbylynnette.biz/birthday-girl.html