Today we left the comfort of the mountains at over 6ooo ft and went to the lowlands of Pueblo, Colorado 4000 ft to listen to a speech by Michelle and Barack Obama. It was a sunny, warm, beautiful fall day. Perfect for a nice drive. There were thousands of people that came to see the next president. We were so far back in the croud that we could not see him except for a small figure on the stage. in the photo the stage has the USA and Colorado Flags. Only 3 more days and the new president will be decided. What a relief that will be to end all the political junk mail that we have been getting in the last weeks. We already went and voted on Thursday. The line was crazy as it took 2.5 hours to vote.
I did some drawings in the car for some new holiday illustrations for the stationary sets. I drew a gingerbread man, gingerbread lady, cupcake, birthday cake, bell and a holiday teddy bear. Now I just have to get them drawn on the computer.
The biggest excitement of the day for me was that I sold 4 printable stationary sets! It was my first sale of the illustrations that I started to make this week. Also It was my first sale on www.etsy.com I want to make at least one sale every day. I am already planning the house that we will build with the money.
Best wishes,