Showing posts with label Christmas game. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas game. Show all posts

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Santa Claus Pin the nose on Santa Christmas game

Have lots of fun this holiday season with my pin the nose on Santa Claus game. Children of all ages will enjoy playing this new game. It is a spin off from the traditional pin the tail on the donkey game.
It is very easy to print out at home or from a photo printer as a 16 x 20 photo poster.
Available at this link

Monday, December 19, 2011

Pin the Antler on the Reindeer Christmas game file

Pin the Antler on the Reindeer Christmas Party Game that is fun for everyone young and old. Rudolph the red nosed raindeer game will be so fun this Christmas.

The DIY printable game can be printed out as a 16 x 20 photo poster from or for the best price on printing. Tails are on 8x10 size paper. You can also print out on your home printer and tape together to make the large game.

You will get two printable pdf or jpeg files for printing.
Page one is the game
Page two is the page of tails
Choose 8.5 x 11 game or 16 x 20 game at this link

Files will be e-mailed to you in 24 hours of less.

1. Print out the reindeer sheet and antler sheet.
2. Cut out the reindeer tails.
3. Do not cut out the reindeer ! Tape the whole reindeer sheet to the wall.
4. Put tape on the top of the antler.
5. Each child gets an antler.
6. Spin the blindfolded* child around three times and have them try to place the tail on the red X on the reindeer .
7. The person who’s antler is the closest to the red X wins.
*Little children can just shut their eyes if they do not like a blindfold.

Not for resale and copyright by Lynnette. No file sharing.