Sunday, August 2, 2020

Australian Cattle Dog design for birthday cards and yoga pants

Australian Cattle Dog design or Australian Blue Heeler dog design for happy birthday cards, women's leggings, and tshirts. The inspiration for this design comes from Reign an Australian Cattle Dog owned by Phillips Farm in Texas. She is such a good dog who is always winning a new ribbon at dog shows. 

Design is also available for Pin the tail on the Australian Cattle Dog Happy Birthday party game, backpack, towels, tshirts, mugs, coffee cups, iphone case, laptop cover, rugs, blankets, and more. 

Collie dog design for yoga pants and greeting cards

My two favorite collie dogs are in this design. The tri colored collie at the top was Shep my dog when I was about 10 years old. He was a great dog who was always happy and ready to play. The  bluemerle dog is my best friend Bluebell who was my constant companion from many years. I showed Bluebell in 4-H at the Clay County Fair in Spencer, Iowa where she earned County and District Grand Champion in obedience and showmanship. 
I have this design available for sale on yoga pants, backpack, cups, mugs, pillows, rugs, blankets, iphone case, laptop case, and more.