A new fun birthday party game for children of all ages. Pin the Tail on Mr. Monkey game will be a big hit at your monkey themed birthday party.
Directions. Print out enough monkey tails so each person has one tail.
Cut out all the monkey tails.
Write the your name on the tail.
Blindfold the person and spin them around.
Ask them to pin the tail on the monkey.
You can use tape instead of real pins to attach the tails.
The winner is the one whose tail is pinned closest to the red x on the monkey.
You may print the game out on your home computer as an 8.5 x 11 or at a one hour photo lab as a 16 x 20 poster size. You get two jpeg files for printing. One file with the game and another file with the tails for the game.The tails print out on 8.5 x 11 size paper. Available at